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498 Results
IT Field Services Depot (Computer Orders)
The ITFS Depot streamlines the process of ordering a computer. We maintain an inventory of standard equipment available for purchase. We’ll handle your order from start to finish and can usually deliver your computer to you quickly. If you don’t see what you need, we can still help; just submit a ticket and we will be in contact. To submit a computer request, click here
Critical Bugs Reported in Popular Open Source PJSIP SIP and Media Stack
A security update was released to address Critical Bugs Reported in Popular Open Source PJSIP SIP and Media Stack. A remote attacker could trigger arbitrary code execution and denial-of-service (DoS) in applications that use the protocol stack. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and effected systems, visit PJSIP version 2.12. IT Security
Chrome version 99.0.4844.51 for Windows, Mac, and Linux was Released
Google has released Chrome version 99.0.4844.51 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. (Chrome update is rolling out so may not be available for immediate download.) An attacker could exploit one of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.
Urgent Security Update for CISCO Firewalls
Cisco has released an Urgent security update for CISCO Firewalls. Some Cisco firewalls may not receive security feed updates after March 5.
Chrome Version 98.0.4758.102 for Windows, Mac, and Linux Released
Google has released Chrome version 98.0.4758.102 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and effected systems, visit Chrome Release Note. IT Security
Google has Released Chrome Versions 98.0.4758.80/81/82 for Windows and 98.0.4758.80 for Mac and Linux
Google has released Chrome versions 98.0.4758.80/81/82 for Windows and 98.0.4758.80 for Mac and Linux to address multiple Low, Medium, High, and Critical vulnerabilities for Windows, Mac, and Linux. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system.
Let’s Encrypt Active Certificates were Mis-Issued - Revocation Begins Tomorrow
Let’s Encrypt active certificates were mis-issued. Revocation of the affected certificates and will begin at 16:00 UTC on 28 January 2022. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and effected systems, visit 2022.01.25 Issue with TLS-ALPN-01 Validation Method.
Cisco Releases Critical-risk Vulnerability within Cisco RCM for Cisco StarOS Software
Cisco has released security updates to address a Critical-risk vulnerability that was detected within Cisco Redundancy Configuration Manager (RCM) for Cisco StarOS Software. A remote attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and effected systems, visit Cisco Security Advisory.
SolarWinds Has Released an Advisory Addressing a Vulnerability Affecting Ser-U Web Login
SolarWinds has released Serv-U 15.3 to patch for a vulnerability that Microsoft says has been abused for the propagation of Log4j attacks. Serv-U web login screen to LDAP authentication was allowing characters that were not sufficiently sanitized. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and effected systems, visit SolarWinds security advisories.
Microsoft Releases Out-of-band Update to Address Critical Issues
Microsoft releases Out-of-band update to address critical issues after installing the January Windows update. This update addresses issues related to VPN connectivity, Windows Server Domain Controllers restarting, Virtual Machines start failures, and ReFS-formatted removable media failing to mount. For a complete description of the vulnerabilities and effected systems, visit Windows message center.