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16 Results
Web Hosting
UCSF provides Drupal web hosting services to ensure a secure environment for our websites.Since launching the service in 2011, it has grown to host nearly 1,500 Drupal websites. UCSF provides high-quality security services, using encrypted hardware accessible only via VPN from UCSF and a hacking-attempt detection system to block thousands of suspicious web sessions each month.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Web Services
Storage Gateway Service in AWS
- Technical Partner
Security Incident Response & Investigation
- Technical Partner
Computer Backup (CrashPlan)
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support
Our current IT Field Services (ITFS) catalog provides you with a means to compare Medical Center, Campus Basic and Campus Premium service levels. +
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support