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155 Results
Wireless Services
UCSF's wireless service provides an alternative to traditional wired connectivity.Supporting most wireless devices using 802.11a/b/g/n, it is the recommended method of network access at most locations, and it is widely available in clinical, research and administrative buildings.Guest access is also provided for visitors and non-UCSF business communications.
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
Security Incident Response & Investigation
- Technical Partner
Zoom Web Conferencing
Zoom is a simple, all-in-one solution that lets you meet across desktops, mobile devices and conference rooms. Zoom is free to UCSF faculty, staff and learners, and the UCSF Zoom instance is HIPAA-compliant.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Volunteer
- Email & Collaboration
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is a secure and HIPAA-compliant web-based system for building and managing web-based research projects, such as surveys and databases. The REDCap system provides functionality and features to enable researchers to rapidly develop databases and online surveys. These databases, data entry forms and surveys are intuitive, easy-to-use tools for collecting data, including data validation.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Research Services
Box: Cloud Storage
UCSF Box is a cloud-based file collaboration and storage tool similar to Dropbox, OneDrive and Google, however only UCSF Box and OneDrive are managed and supported by UCSF IT. Box can also be accessed via desktop or mobile app.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
Clinical Data Research
Clinical Data Research Consultations is a service that extracts data sets from hospital data sources (1) UCSF Medical Center and (2) San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) for research purposes.The available UCSF Medical Center data sets include longitudinal patient data sets from the APeX and UCare clinical systems.The available SFGH data sets include longitudinal data from clinical databases on Community Health Network (CHN) patients from SFGH and other DPH facilities.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Research Services
Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE)
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Virtual Server Hosting
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Volunteer
Data Center Services
Provides a lower-cost, more energy-efficient and agile
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Volunteer
- Hosting & Computing
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Volunteer