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9 Results
How to Correctly Sign Into Zoom Desktop App
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Zoom: Why can't I see my meetings in the Zoom desktop app?
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Zoom: How do I obtain a webinar or Large Meeting license?
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Zoom app- Store
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Zoom - Google Calendar Issue Fix
Issue: When scheduling a meeting from the Zoom desktop app, the meeting invite defaults to Google Calendar. Resolution: After clicking the Schedule button, scroll down to the Calendar section to choose your default calendar. Then click Save.
MyPPM is UCSF Enterprise Solution for project/program/portfolio management tools across our organization. Other project management tools like Microsoft Project and Smartsheet are still also available. UCSF has joined a collaboration led by UCLA to move to a single enterprise tool.
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- Business Applications
Event Management System (EMS)
The Event Management System (EMS) is the enterprise space scheduling tool available at UCSF for scheduling:Conference/ meeting roomsCollaboration spacesConsult roomsHoteling - spaces, work stations, offices/rooms, etc.Other spaces (e.g. Lactation, huddle, etc.)EMS provides the ability to conduct room searches across different campuses, buildings, and rooms as well as size, attributes, and other characteristics.
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- Business Applications
Health IT Effort Tracking Tip Sheet
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Multi-Factor (Duo) FAQs
These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are updated on a regular basis, so if your question isn't answered here, please contact the IT Service Desk at help.ucsf.edu — the most common questions received from users will be added to this list of FAQs.Quick Links
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