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170 Results
- Affiliate
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- Volunteer
Concord Fax (formerly RightFax) Frequently Asked Questions
Concord Fax is a digital solution for sending information via inbound and outbound electronic faxing. This application can be used to send information electronically in a manner that is secure, since Concord Fax is HIPAA-compliant. The following are a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Concord Fax. This page will be updated as more questions about Concord Fax are received.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Research Staff
- Staff
- Student
- Business Applications
Health IT Effort Tracking Tip Sheet
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Researcher
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
DocuSign Shared Access
The DocuSign Account Share Request form has been decommissioned. Account sharing is no longer an administrative function is managed by the individual user. Please follow the below steps to share your account with a colleague.
IT Request Management
Service Request Management is the process by which IT fulfills customer requests for standard services. A service request is a formal request from a customer for access to standard services IT provides. The goal of Request Management is to deliver services in a defined repeatable, consistent and timely manner to support customers in the ability to get access to services to do their jobs. – Mitch Pautz, ITSM manager
- Staff
- Technical Partner
- Business Applications
MyPPM: Project Closure Process
- Staff
MyPPM: Reporting
- Staff
- Technical Partner
DocuSign Content Sharing
You can set up sharing between you and another UCSF user via your DocuSign Preferences. This will allow the other person to view or manage your DocuSign content.This video will walk through the process. You can set this up for a limited time period or indefinitely. If setting it up indefinitely, enter today's date as the start date and then leave the end date blank.
MyPPM: Reset Smartsheet Integration
- Staff
MyPPM: Review Allocations
- Staff