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199 Results
Zoom Web Conferencing Training
NOTE: For more training on Zoom features and processes outside of the resources listed on this page, visit the Zoom Learning Center.
- Affiliate
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- Student
- Email & Collaboration
Hotel or Remote Laptop Kit Setup
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
Communicating with Non-UCSF Colleagues
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
Microsoft 365: Microsoft Whiteboard
Microsoft Whiteboard in Microsoft 365 is a collaborative digital canvas that can be leveraged for effective meetings and engaging collaboration sessions among colleagues from brainstorming and planning to learning and workshops.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
CrashPlan Permissions on Macs
Effective May 15, 2023, our standard application for automatic backups at UCSF is changing from Code42 to CrashPlan. Although the backup service will remain the same, the name of the application, the logo and the branding will be different. Due to this branding change by the vendor, UCSF Macs that are not actively managed on MDM by UCSF Jamf Pro will need to manually re-allow disk access to CrashPlan in order to continue the automatic backup process.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
Resetting Secure Email Password
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
ProofPoint Quarantine FAQs
- Affiliate
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- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
Avoiding Spam
- Affiliate
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- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
Microsoft 365: Stream (on SharePoint)
Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint) is an enterprise video service where people in the organization can upload, view, and share videos securely.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Email & Collaboration
Microsoft 365 Licensing
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff