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109 Results
Print Management Services FAQs
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to UCSF
You can use your own smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer to access UCSF systems, but the device needs to comply with UCSF's security policy. This is to ensure that your device, the UCSF network and UCSF sensitive data all remain safe.The UCSF IT Service Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us:
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Non-UCSF
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Security
Encrypt Your Computer Not Supported by ITFS
- Technical Partner
Clean Up Your Personal (BYOD) Computer When Leaving UCSF
Important: The only way to ensure that ALL UCSF data has been removed is to securely reformat (ERASE) your hard drive and any devices that contain storage (e.g., USB thumb drives, external hard drives, smartphones, tablets). This is not the same as simply deleting files or performing a "factory reset." Please contact your computer vendor for support. If you cannot do this, use the instructions below to ensure you remove all UCSF information, applications and tools.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
ITFS Desktop Support FAQs
How do I request Desktop Support?
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
IT Field Services (ITFS) Subscription FAQs
questions about subscribing to ITFS Desktop Support: Basic, Premium, Hourly, etc.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
Advanced IT Security Training on the UCSF Learning Management System
IT security risk is as much a human issue as it is a technology issue. UCSF employees who manage IT systems or develop software need to have the necessary skills to carry out their duties effectively and securely. The Advanced IT Security Training now available on the UCSF Learning Management System and on the LinkedIn platform provides technical training to help improve employees' knowledge and skills to protect UCSF’s electronic assets.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Security
IT Security Orientations and Education
UCSF IT and the Technology Commons offer orientation presentations to learners, faculty and staff. We can vary the topics and the length of presentations. Contact IT Security Awareness if you're interested at [email protected]. Below is a link to one of our presentations as well as a program listing.https://lecture.ucsf.edu/ets/Play/a780ce7a72c848099b01724bf5c034d71d
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Security
IT Security Educational Meetings and Webinars
From time to time, UCSF IT Security, other UC campuses and teams, as well as third parties such as SANS host educational events. Recordings are shared here.Click here to view the videos from the October 2024 UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month EventsPatrick Phelan, UCSF CISO
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Security
IT Security and Awareness Champion Program: Overview
The IT Security and Privacy Awareness Champion Program is designed to strengthen UCSF’s culture of cybersecurity by engaging and empowering individuals throughout the organization to help ensure safe computing.
- Faculty
- Student
- Security