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46 Results
Network Access Control (NAC) FAQs
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Network Access Control (NAC) Minimum Supported Operating Systems
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How to Check If Network Access Control (NAC) Is Installed
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Cisco Jabber UC Training: Group Chats
You can send a group chat invite to chat with more than one person at a time. These conversations are not saved by Cisco Jabber, if you close the chat window, you will lose the chat history. Note: If you have a need to maintain chat history for collaboration, Microsoft Teams provides persistent chat history, please visit the Microsoft Teams Training page for more information.
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- Phones & Pager
Cisco Jabber UC Training: Start a Chat
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Cisco Jabber UC Training: Video Conference
To start a video conference call, you will need to either (1) join one of our on-premise video conferencing bridges or (2) know the conference room's SIP URI so that you can dial the room directly. Note: The on-premise bridges and the conference room URIs look like email addresses. They must end in @ucsf.edu in order for Jabber UC to route the call to the video conference infrastructure. To initiate the video conference call:
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- Phones & Pager
Cisco Jabber UC Training: Persistent Chat Rooms
To start, click on the Settings wheel on the top right of the client. Click on File>New>Chat Room (File > New Chat Room on Mac client).
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- Phones & Pager
Cisco Jabber UC Training: Formatting Messages
Change the font type, format and color by selecting the Tt icon
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- Phones & Pager
Cisco Jabber UC Training: Presence and Notifications
The Cisco Jabber UC client will show you when contacts are Available and Away as well as Do Not Disturb information, just as with any other instant messaging client.
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- Phones & Pager
Cisco Jabber UC Training: Adding and Organizing Contacts
Click on the Search Bar and type the name of the person you want to add.
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- Phones & Pager