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130 Results
Learner Device Setup
UCSF Email and CalendarUCSF uses Microsoft Exchange as its email and calendar service. It can be accessed from any browser by going to: https://email.ucsf.edu. Requires two-factor authentication if off-campus.Desktop SetupYou can use desktop email clients such as Outlook and Apple Mail. Requires VPN connection if off-campus.
- Student
- Education Applications
Learner Accounts
First-time LoginThe Registrar distributes login credentials; you should receive this in advance of your orientation. If you have not, please contact your program. Please follow these instructions the first time you log in. You need to setup the Duo Mobile App for two-factor authentication, enroll in the UCSF Password Management Tool, change your password, and setup Hitachi ID Mobile Access App.
- Student
- Education Applications
RAE - Drive Mapping Instructions
Drive Mapping - Windows and Mac InstructionsWindows InstructionsMac InstructionsIt can sometimes be more convenient to map your RAE drive directly to your Windows or Mac device. These instructions will teach you how to do so on both types of devices. A VPN or UCSF network connection is required.Specific share names and paths are supplied in the RAE Welcome letter when signed up.
- Staff
Installing Add-Ins for Outlook
To enhance your work within Outlook, there are numerous add-ins that can be installed to help you get things done right from your inbox. The following are a list of popular add-ins approved for use at UCSF:
- Technical Partner
- Email & Collaboration
Security Incident Response & Investigation
- Technical Partner
Do It Yourself Website Hosting Checklist
If you prefer not to use Web Services Managed Hosting, you can set up a web server either outside the UCSF network or at UCSF. It's quite a complex process.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Web Services
Learner Technology Support
UCSF IT Service DeskFirst point of contact for assistance with all UCSF IT Services. Email, VPN, WiFi, MyAccess account.Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekPhone: (415) 514-4100Chat, Tickets, Knowledge Base: http://help.ucsf.eduEmail: [email protected]
- Student
- Education Applications
IT Security Orientations and Education
IntroductionUCSF IT and the Technology Commons offer orientation presentations to learners, faculty and staff. We can vary the topics and the length of presentations. Contact IT Security Awareness if you're interested at [email protected]. Below is a link to one of our presentations as well as a program listing.SON Learner Orientationhttps://lecture.ucsf.edu/ets/Play/a780ce7a72c848099b01724bf5c034d71d
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Security
IT Orientation
Information Technology Systems OrientationYour UCSF Account InformationYour UCSF Accounts: https://myaccess.ucsf.edu/myidManage your UCSF User ID and passwords from the password management tool: Password.ucsf.edu Identity ManagementGeneral contact information (Your preferred first name, phone, address, and other identity information) can be modified at directory.ucsf.edu.
Technology Requirements for Learners
This page specifies campus wide technology requirements for learners who are new to UCSF or purchasing a new computer.Learners should also review the Technology Introduction for Learners which provides an overview of technology at UCSF.
- Student
- Education Applications