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53 Results
Keeper Password Vault
- Faculty
- Staff
Wireless Services
UCSF's wireless service provides an alternative to traditional wired connectivity.Supporting most wireless devices using 802.11a/b/g/n, it is the recommended method of network access at most locations, and it is widely available in clinical, research and administrative buildings.Guest access is also provided for visitors and non-UCSF business communications.
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
Network Services
As part of UCSF IT infrastructure Network Operation team is here to provide support to your mission and thus the mission of UCSF. Below are request options:
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
Account Login & Password
Active Directory (AD) is a Microsoft-based technology that provides a variety of network services, including:Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)Kerberos-based authenticationDNS-based namingA central location for network administration and delegation of authorityYour UCSF AD account provides access to many systems:
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Access & Identity
Creating the Initial Password for your UCSF Account
The UCSF Password Management Tool will assist you with creating the password for your UCSF account. Once you have received an email with your UCSF account information (UCSF ID and email address), select the link in the email to activate your UCSF account and begin the password change process.
IT Orientation
Your UCSF Accounts: https://myaccess.ucsf.edu/myidManage your UCSF User ID and passwords from the password management tool: Password.ucsf.edu Identity ManagementGeneral contact information (Your preferred first name, phone, address, and other identity information) can be modified at directory.ucsf.edu.
How to forget a Wireless Network on Windows 10
Click the Start Menu and type/search for "Wi-Fi Settings" and hit Enter. Click on the Manage Known Networks link.
Network Access Control (NAC) Retrieved Properties
- Technical Partner
Network Access Control (NAC) FAQs
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
Network Access Control (NAC) Minimum Supported Operating Systems
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer