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60 Results
Box: Manage Email Uploads
UCSF Box allows you to designate folder(s) in which users can email files directly to Box by sending an attachment to a unique email address. Email attachments will be uploaded as long as they do not collectively exceed 80 MB. The body of the email will not be uploaded. The upload is secure because Box scans every attachment before it is uploaded to Box and quarantines the attachment if malware is discovered. Once the file has been posted to Box, CipherCloud will scan it for
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Edit DocuSign Email Notifications
To edit your email notifications:
UCSF Adobe Licensing - Migrating from VIP to ETLA
The following instructions are for users who are moving to an Adobe ETLA (School or Work) account from an Adobe VIP (Personal) account. You will need an ETLA license assigned to your email if you have not already done so.Please see this site for details on how to request an Adobe ETLA license. UCSF Adobe Licensing | UCSF ITOnce you have an Adobe ETLA license assigned to you, please use the following instructions.Setting up your account:
Effort Reporting System (ERS)
The Effort Reporting System is a federal requirement to certify the effort of all employees who work on federally funded research grants and contracts. Online and web-based, it replaces the 25-year-old outdated, paper-based PAR process.
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PeopleSoft Financials
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Electronic Signature: DocuSign
DocuSign is UCSF's electronic signature solution, a cloud-based application, allowing users to send and sign securely as well as input other data into a document with automated document workflow. If you have specific questions, please contact [email protected] to discuss. Updates
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UCSF Voicemail
UCSF Voicemail is the new name for the UCSF Campus advanced voicemail system. It uses the Cisco Unity Connection Voice Messages platform to record and deliver voicemail messages to your UCSF email inbox.With Cisco Unity, you will be able to:
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- Phones & Pager
Everyone with a @ucsf.edu email address has access to Smartsheet via Myaccess.ucsf.edu. However, a separate license will need to be purchased to create sheets and own sheets or to access premium features. For FY24, the license cost is $286 per user, though it may be pro-rated depending on when you request the license.
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- Business Applications