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83 Results
How to Work Together Remotely
With many of our IT teams working remotely, we want to provide you not only the tools, but the habits and support to do so successfully. Remote work has its benefits, including not commuting and challenges such as isolation. We've curated a list of resources aimed at helping you manage your telecommute. This is a growing list, and we welcome your suggestions and feedback. Reach out to [email protected] (don't forget to share your remote-work success stories).
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
Telecommute Securely
Working remotely? Follow these tips to securely manage your telecommute.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
Remote Work Resources
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
UCSF IT Security Suite
The UCSF IT Security Suite is a group of tools to help keep you, your data and UCSF safe. The Security Suite includes:
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
BCH Oakland Remote Work Resources
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Drive, Tape & Data Destruction
As part of an ongoing effort to improve UCSF’s stewardship of information resources, UCSF IT is pleased to offer a data-storage-device destruction service. IT will collect and destroy any electronic media (e.g., hard drives, tapes) that contains restricted data, including PII (personally identifiable information) and PHI (patient health information)There is no charge for this service. Just submit a ticket for desktop service (https://help.ucsf.edu/) or bring in your media to be destroyed, and we will take care of the rest.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support: Hourly or Project Support
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support: Premium Subscription
The Premium Desktop Support service includes all services provided by the Basic Desktop Support service, with differentiators that increase the overall scope, flexibility, quality and responsiveness of the service. Premium Desktop Support is designed to address the needs of customers whose requirements extend beyond what the Basic Desktop Support model provides. Examples include customers who require:
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
ITFS Event Support
IT Field Services can provide conference and special-event support at our hourly project rate of $126 per staff hour. Hourly charges require prior authorization from your department. Please submit your request at least 2 weeks in advance. After-hours support (before 8am and after 6pm) is charged at time and a half. For example, 4 hours will be charged at 6 hours of support. Support is contingent upon the availability of IT-DFS and AV staff and resources.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Non-UCSF
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Desktop Support
IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support Health Desks
Typical Health Desk support includes:Duo enrollment and questionsAssistance with Wi-FiMobile email setupDevice encryptionVPN supportWayne and Gladys Valley Center for Vision 480 Illinois St (Lobby entrance at 16th & 3rd Streets)San Francisco, CA 94158
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Non-UCSF
- Staff
- Student
- Technical Partner
- Volunteer
- Desktop Support