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7 Results
Cisco Jabber UC Training: Video Conference
To start a video conference call, you will need to either (1) join one of our on-premise video conferencing bridges or (2) know the conference room's SIP URI so that you can dial the room directly. Note: The on-premise bridges and the conference room URIs look like email addresses. They must end in @ucsf.edu in order for Jabber UC to route the call to the video conference infrastructure. To initiate the video conference call:
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Phones & Pager
- Faculty
- Student
Poll Everywhere
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Learner Technology Support
First point of contact for assistance with all UCSF IT Services. Email, VPN, WiFi, MyAccess account.Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekPhone: (415) 514-4100Chat, Tickets, Knowledge Base: http://help.ucsf.eduEmail: [email protected]
- Student
- Education Applications
Cisco Jabber UC Training
To get the most out of Cisco Jabber UC, you'll need to familiarize yourself with its interface. Explore the process for starting chats, create persistent chat rooms and make audio/ video calls to contacts.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Phones & Pager
Learner Hardware & Software
You may purchase from any vendor, UCSF does not have a campus computer store or make any specific recommendations. Purchasing decisions should be guided by the Technology Requirements for Learners. Before purchasing anything, please take account of what is provided by UCSF and the discounts that are available to learners with a .edu email.
- Student
- Education Applications
Technology Requirements for Learners
This page specifies campus wide technology requirements for learners who are new to UCSF or purchasing a new computer.Learners should also review the Technology Introduction for Learners which provides an overview of technology at UCSF.
- Student
- Education Applications