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111 Results
Zoom Web Conferencing
DescriptionZoom is a simple, all-in-one solution that lets you meet across desktops, mobile devices and conference rooms. Zoom is free to UCSF faculty, staff and learners, and the UCSF Zoom instance is HIPAA-compliant.
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Zoom Web Conferencing Training
NOTE: For more training on Zoom features and processes outside of the resources listed on this page, visit the Zoom Learning Center.
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Zoom Web Conferencing FAQs
Zoom Frequently Asked QuestionsThe following are some Frequently Asked Questions you may have when using Zoom in your work at UCSF:How do I create a Zoom account?How do I change my preferred name in Zoom?How do I add Pronouns to my Zoom profile?Where do I get Zoom?
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How to Correctly Sign Into Zoom Desktop App
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How to Have a Zoom Meeting That Is (Almost) as Good as Being There
These tips were originally developed by the UCSF Program Management Office (PMO). They have been expanded by IT.
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Zoom Cloud Recording
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Zoom Closed Captioning
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Zoom: Changing a Zoom Meeting to a Teams Meeting in an Outage
OverviewIn the event of a Zoom outage, you may need to switch meeting platforms quickly to continue collaborating and meeting with colleagues both on and off campus. While Zoom is the preferred web conferencing platform at UCSF, Microsoft Teams has a meeting option that can be used as an alternative in the event of an outage with Zoom.These instructions will detail how to switch an existing Zoom meeting to a Teams meeting for the following platforms:
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Recommended Security Settings for Zoom
OverviewThere have been reports internally at UCSF of increased attempts to interrupt Zoom meetings for nefarious purposes. Below are recommendations to increase the privacy of your Zoom meetings. Get acquainted with Zoom’s options, so you can choose the appropriate configuration to safeguard the privacy of your meetings. For sensitive meetings, consider applying all the following recommendations. Steps to enhance Zoom privacyThese are considered the most effective ways of keeping interlopers out of your meetings:
- Technical Partner
Zoom: Why can't I see my meetings in the Zoom desktop app?
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