How To

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Configuring Rules Within Microsoft Outlook

The process for managing an inbox in Microsoft Outlook might seem like a daunting task. However, you can easily configure rules to complete specific actions such as routing certain emails to specific folders when they arrive in your inbox among many other actions. Let's take a moment to review the process for configuring rules within Microsoft Outlook.

  • Affiliate
  • Faculty
  • Researcher
  • Staff
  • Student
  • Email & Collaboration

UCSF Adobe Licensing - Migrating from VIP to ETLA

The following instructions are for users who are moving to an Adobe ETLA (School or Work) account from an Adobe VIP (Personal) account.  You will need an ETLA license assigned to your email if you have not already done so.Please see this site for details on how to request an Adobe ETLA license. UCSF Adobe Licensing | UCSF ITOnce you have an Adobe ETLA license assigned to you, please use the following instructions.Setting up your account: