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567 Results
Share DocuSign Folders
DocuSign allows users to grant the ability to view their DocuSign folders (inbox, sent folder, deleted and any others) to other users.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Business Applications
Manage Recipients' Action Levels
Recipient Action Description Action required for routing to move forward?
Overview of UCSF's SSL Certificate Service
- Staff
External Vulnerability Resources
Keeping on top of information security vulnerabilities is an essential component of information security. Attackers exploit existing security vulnerabilities on systems to gain unauthorized access to systems and data.
Web Application Security: OWASP
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open-source application security project. The OWASP community includes corporations, educational organizations and individuals from around the world.
View IT Security Awareness Videos
For more details about participating in our awareness campaign (and winning prizes), visit the Awareness Site.
WebLinks System Requirements
- Staff