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90 Results
Blue Coat (Web Proxy)
Blue Coat is a tool to keep people away from dangerous websites. When a computing device on the Medical Center network tries to access a website that falls under the Phishing, Botnets or Spam categories, the user will be redirected to a custom exception page indicating that the website is blocked.
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
UCSFwpa - Secure Wireless
The UCSFwpa wireless service provides protected communications to Campus and Medical Center resources and networks. It is widely available in clinical, research and administrative buildings.The UCSFwpa wireless network supports most wireless devices using 802.11a/b/g/n. It is the recommended method of network access at most UCSF locations. This service is available to faculty, staff, learners and affiliates with Active Directory (AD) accounts.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Network & Wireless
ITFS Proactive Medical Center Rounding
- Technical Partner
Computer Backup (CrashPlan)
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
Dell Data Protection Encryption (DDPE)
Dell Data Protection | Encryption (DDPE) Enterprise Edition is a comprehensive encryption solution for UCSF. It is available to all UCSF faculty, staff and learners.DDPE Frequently Asked Questions
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
IT Field Services (ITFS) Desktop Support
Our current IT Field Services (ITFS) catalog provides you with a means to compare Medical Center, Campus Basic and Campus Premium service levels. +
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
Wireless Services
UCSF's wireless service provides an alternative to traditional wired connectivity.Supporting most wireless devices using 802.11a/b/g/n, it is the recommended method of network access at most locations, and it is widely available in clinical, research and administrative buildings.Guest access is also provided for visitors and non-UCSF business communications.
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
Network Services
As part of UCSF IT infrastructure Network Operation team is here to provide support to your mission and thus the mission of UCSF. Below are request options:
- Technical Partner
- Network & Wireless
Computer and Accessory Ordering
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
Upgrade to Windows 11
Starting in November 2024, IT will begin upgrading all ITFS-managed Windows computers to Windows 11. This upgrade takes 30-60 minutes of computer downtime and will provide optimized performance and enhanced security. Users have the option to upgrade their workstations as a self-service installation, using the steps below at a time that is convenient for them. Additional details on how to upgrade and what’s changing are listed below.
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Researcher
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support