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74 Results
macOS Support Status at UCSF
Operating System (OS)AppleRelease DateUCSF ITSupport StatusStart ofUCSF IT Support*End of
UCSF Adobe Licensing
table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } UCSF has a licensing agreement (ETLA) with Adobe for Devices used for UCSF Business and UCSF-owned devices which allows UCSF to purchase Adobe products at a discounted rate. For Learners, devices not used for UCSF business and not owned by UCSF will need to purchase licenses directly from Adobe. For Learners: Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers | Adobe Creative Cloud
Jamf Pro at UCSF
Jump to "How can I tell if my Mac is enrolled in UCSF Jamf Pro"
- Affiliate
- Faculty
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- Technical Partner
- Desktop Support
How to Confirm CrashPlan Is Backing Up Your Computer
CrashPlan is UCSF's online backup program. All data that is backed-up by CrashPlan is encrypted, so it will securely backup your files even when you are NOT connected to the UCSF network or UCSF VPN.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Desktop Support
How to Troubleshoot Your Home Internet Connection
Are you working from home and your internet connection is driving you crazy? Terrible Zoom audio? Websites loading slowly? Please use these resources to troubleshoot the problem.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
How to Work Together Remotely
With many of our IT teams working remotely, we want to provide you not only the tools, but the habits and support to do so successfully. Remote work has its benefits, including not commuting and challenges such as isolation. We've curated a list of resources aimed at helping you manage your telecommute. This is a growing list, and we welcome your suggestions and feedback. Reach out to [email protected] (don't forget to share your remote-work success stories).
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
Telecommute Securely
Working remotely? Follow these tips to securely manage your telecommute.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
Remote Work Resources
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
UCSF IT Security Suite
The UCSF IT Security Suite is a group of tools to help keep you, your data and UCSF safe. The Security Suite includes:
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Desktop Support
BCH Oakland Remote Work Resources
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student