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2204 Results
Account Login Provisioning
- Technical Partner
Order Computers or Accessories from ITFS Depot FAQs
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
How to Submit Firewall/VPN Requests
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Technical Partner
UCSF uses the Ivanti, formerly known as Pulse Secure remote access system to provide VPN services to the UCSF community. The system is physically and geographically redundant to ensure uninterrupted service during outages or catastrophic events.How do I access the UCSF VPN?
- Affiliate
- Faculty
- Staff
- Student
- Network & Wireless
UCSF Wireless RF Design Guideline
As healthcare continues to undergo digital transformation, networking technologies serve an increasingly vital role: Enabling Electronic Healthcare.
Impacted Services: Network Services
Standards & Guidelines: Example (Web Style Guide)
Each UCSF website provides an opportunity to make a strong positive impression on our audiences. In this, an attractive and consistently applied style for presenting graphics and other visuals plays an important role.We have put together a set of best practices guidelines for ensuring visual consistency across all UCSF-affiliated websites. These guidelines cover:Web banner and main navigationLogo lock-up placement and sizingApplication of the graphic system The proposed designs:
Impacted Services: IT Website
How to Report a Digital Accessibility Issue
If you cannot access website or web application content or use a feature due to a disability, please report an accessibility issue.UCSF commits to an online environment accessible to everyone, including individuals with visual, auditory, motor or cognitive disabilities.Improving accessibility benefits us all by helping to:
Impacted Services: Digital Accessibility Program
Welcome to the NEW Information Technology Website
Content is what we're all about – and as Content Owners, you make it happen. Thank you! Here's everything you need to know to: Select types of content for the site Create new content Revise existing content Your first task is to determine the type of content you want to create. In turn, this will determine the template you use within the content management system (CMS). A list of content types follows.
Don’t Get Grinched: Tips for Safe Online Holiday Shopping!
Learn about safe online shopping practices and pass the quiz at the end of the article. You could win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards!
Beyond Trash Talk - Dispose of Data Properly!
The link to the IT Security Awareness Quiz is at the end of the article. Complete the quiz for an entry in a drawing for 1 of 6 $50 Amazon gift cards.