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Microsoft 365 FAQs
- Audience: Faculty, Staff, Student
- Service Category: Email & Collaboration
- Owner Team: Email and Office 365
Service:Microsoft 365
We continue to update these FAQs. If your question isn't answered here, please contact the IT Service Desk at, or ask your colleagues on the Office 365 Team.
- General Functionality
- Microsoft 365 Mobile
- Using Microsoft 365 in Box
- Collaboration & Sharing
- Security and Privacy (PHI)
- Microsoft 365 Add-ins
- Known Issues
General Functionality
How do the features of Office on the Web compare with Office desktop applications?
Microsoft 365 applications are not as full featured as Office desktop applications. Please visit the training page for the desired Microsoft 365 application to get insights into the differences between each application and how to use their features.
Are and the same? takes you directly to the Office 365 homepage, where you will be able to access your email by clicking on the Outlook icon in the app launcher (Square of nine dots in the top left corner of browser tab). If you access, you will go directly to your email after logging using your UCSF credentials.
How do I save my file?
Your file will save automatically as you are working. You can see the current status of your file by checking for Saved next to the file name at the top of the window.
How do I name or change the name for my file while I'm using an application?
When you are working on an application, click on the file name at the center of the application window. You will be able to enter or edit a name, and it will save automatically.
How do I exit from an application or file when I am working online?
Simply close the browser tab for the application or file as your work will autosave.
Can I download the desktop/thick client Microsoft Office applications?
Desktop versions of the Microsoft Office applications may be downloaded and installed from the following links:
- MyAccess login is required. Simply, select the Productivity Suite for your operating system and follow the linked instructions.
- Select the App Launcher (Square of 9 dots in left-hand corner) to install the full office suite or selected apps.
How do I update my password?
Update your password using the UCSF Password Management Tool, which also provides instructions for updating your password for your UCSF credentials.
Can I change the way my name or initials are displayed in Microsoft 365?
Names within Microsoft 365 are displayed Last name, First name and cannot be changed in your profile settings. To change your display name, please work with HR or department identity manager to update to your preferred name.
Microsoft 365 Mobile
Why can't I save or share a file from one of the Microsoft 365 mobile apps in another app or location?
For security purposes, you are not able to download files from UCSF OneDrive, Outlook, or other Microsoft 365 applications to your phone or share them using other applications. While you can view, edit and share files on your mobile device, but changes must be saved to OneDrive and shared through UCSF Microsoft 365 applications.
What does Microsoft Intune do, and why do I need it?
- For Office 365 mobile apps to authenticate themselves within the UCSF security infrastructure, the Intune Company Portal app must be installed on your mobile device to use the Microsoft 365 mobile applications. For more information about adding configuring Microsoft Intune, review the Enroll Your Mobile Device in Intune Company Portal page.
What version of OS do I need on my smart device to use the Microsoft 365 apps?
Your smart device needs to be version 13.1 or higher for iOS and version 11 or higher for Android to use all the apps support by UCSF.
Can I set up my UCSF Microsoft 365 account on the same device where I have my Microsoft 365 personal account?
Yes. You are able to use both a personal account and a UCSF Microsoft 365 account on the same device. Click on your profile initials or image in the top left corner to confirm which account you are currently viewing. NOTE: You cannot share files between these accounts or access files from one account while in the other account.
Which apps that integrate with Office 365 Mobile are currently supported?
UCSF currently supports and has enabled integrations with Smartsheet, Zoom and Box mobile apps.
Using Microsoft 365 in Box
Will OneDrive in Microsoft 365 replace Box?
You are not losing any tools or functionality as part of this rollout. Microsoft 365 is an additional tool to enable remote workers and to enhance collaboration and security at UCSF. Find additional resources on Box.
Will Box folders and documents be migrated to OneDrive or be accessible through OneDrive?
Migration of Box folders and documents is not in scope for the current deployment. You will be able to open Office files in Box using Office on the Web apps.
Will I be able to use Microsoft 365 applications (e.g., Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Online) when I am in Box?
Yes. When you open a Microsoft Office file in Box, you will see an option to open the file either on your desktop or online. There will be a drop-down arrow between the application icon and download button. If you select the online option, you will be working in Office 365 and saving directly back to Box, but some of the collaborative tools available in Office 365 are currently more limited.
Is there a way to stop Box from opening the Word application when you create a new document? I want to do it only online.
YWhile in Box, click on your profile in the upper right and select Account Settings, then click on the Integrations tab. Scroll down to the Open Integrations section, where you can customize which application to open by default. NOTE: There are separate settings for Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Collaboration & Sharing
Will files in shared network drives be able to be edited in Microsoft 365?
- If you are connected to Pulse Secure VPN, you can access your shared network drives and upload files to Microsoft 365. The files are new copies, and changes are not saved back to your shared network drives. NOTE: If you upload your file in Microsoft 365 from a shared network drive, complete your edits and then download a copy (While connected to VPN) to ensure your changes are saved on the shared-drive version.
Will learners be able to use Microsoft 365?
Microsoft 365 is be available to all users with UCSF logins.
Will shared drives be retired as part of this project?
You will continue to be able to use and access shared drives as you do today.
Will we be able to share folders to a group of users based on their being in a designated Active Directory (AD) group?
Not at launch, this will be enabled at a later date.
Can I share a file through a UCSF distribution list?
In the Share permission menu, make sure Anyone at UCSF who has the link is selected. You can also use the Outlook option to send a link through a distribution list or listserv, but only individuals with UCSF identities will be able to access it.
Security and Privacy (PHI)
How do I mark a file as containing PHI or other confidential data?
CipherCloud will encrypt any file with Secure^ (NOTE: No space between Secure and ^) in the filename. In addition, you can add Secure^ to a folder name, and any files you copy to that folder will be encrypted. External collaborators will not be allowed to access these files. Learn more Restricted Data –Encryption in Office 365.
How do I know that my file with PHI is secure?
An encrypted file will have a filename appended with .ccsecure, and a PDF marker file with the same name will tell you what has happened to your file and how to work with it now that it is encrypted.
Can I share documents with restricted (PHI) data with my colleagues at UCSF?
You can share documents with restricted (PHI) data with UCSF colleagues who have authenticated with their UCSF identities.
Can I share documents containing restricted (PHI) data with colleagues who are NOT part of UCSF?
Documents with restricted (PHI) data cannot be shared with collaborators who do not have UCSF identities. Once external collaboration has been enabled, external collaborators cannot be added to a document with restricted (PHI) data. If restricted (PHI) data is added to a document that has external collaborators, access for the external collaborators will be automatically removed.
Can I secure a folder?
Folders cannot be encrypted.
Why can't I download?
Downloading is only permitted if you are on the VPN as a security feature prevents downloading if your device has not met security requirements. Devices that logged in through VPN and have an active token can download until the token expires, even if they log off the VPN network before it expires.
Why am I able to download documents after logging off the VPN?
Devices that have logged on through VPN and have an active token are able to download until the token expires.
Microsoft 365 Add-ins
Are there any limits to the size of files, amount of storage or bandwidth with Stream?
Refer to Quotas and limitations in Microsoft Stream for more details.
Known Issues
I see a 404 Not Found error when I try to open a file from my recent or pinned list.
If you have deleted or changed the name of a file, you may see a 404 Not Found error as the file name or the item is different from these shortcuts. If the file was renamed, go to OneDrive to find the file under its current name.
I don't see any recent files in the Recent view in my Microsoft 365 homepage.
You will not see any file when you first begin using Microsoft 365, and it may take time for this area to be populated. Over time, the content will change based on what you have been accessing most recently.
I don't see any recent files in the Discover view in my Office 365 homepage.
The Discover view requires SharePoint, which has not been implemented yet. The Discover view may be available in the future.
I just exited a new file by closing the browser tab, but I don’t seem my file listed in "Recent."
It may take 30 to 45 seconds for a file to appear in your lists after you have created it.
I deleted a file, but I can see it my recent or pinned list.
If you have deleted it, you may still see it listed under some of your shortcuts. If you try to open it, you may see a 404 Not Found error as the file is no longer available.
My large [Word, Excel or PowerPoint] file failed to open when I used the upload and open function.
- File sizes are limited during editing, so they must be smaller than the limits to use the upload and open option. NOTE: Files within these limits are subject to time out failure if they do not load within 60 seconds.
- If your file is smaller than the limits (Word 50MB; Excel 5MB; PowerPoint 300MB), try uploading again. You may need to upload from a location with a higher-speed internet connection to complete the upload in less than 60 seconds.
I changed the permission on a document I shared, but a collaborator who was currently editing was able to continue.
If a collaborator has a document open while permissions are changed, the editing session will not close. The next time the collaborator tries to open the file, they will not be able to edit or to open if you have removed all access.