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133 Results
The Crucial Role of Regular Software Updates in the “Vulnerability Era”
The link to the quiz is at the end of the article.
Digital Armor: Essential Security Tools for Protecting Your Devices
The link to the quiz is at the end of the art
Tax Scam Tango: Dodging the Dance of the Devious Dollar and Information Snatchers
Learn about protecting yourself from tax fraud and pass the quiz at the end of the article. You could win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards!
macOS Sequoia Now Supported
UCSF IT has verified compatibility with standard UCSF security tools on macOS Sequoia (15.x) and will now officially support this new OS version in addition to macOS Sonoma
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Scheduled Maintenance
Critical Network Maintenance: Quincy Data Center Firewall - BCH Oaklandstatus Scheduled Maintenance
Status State Planned
Type: Scheduled Maintenance
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Scheduled Maintenance
Incident Reporting System (RL Solutions)status Scheduled Maintenance
Status State Planned
Type: Scheduled Maintenance
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Scheduled Maintenance
Enterprise Tableaustatus Scheduled Maintenance
Status State Planned
Type: Scheduled Maintenance
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Spotlight initiatives

Project Echo Initiative
Project Echo is a multi-year initiative to build a new online employee portal that will help us work more effectively and connect us as one unified UCSF.
Campus IT Operating Model (ITOM) Program
The Campus ITOM Program is a high-priority initiative sponsored by the Chancellor to address and manage the root causes of cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Who we are
Executive Leadership
The UCSF IT Executive Team provides information technology leadership and capabilities in support of UCSF’s mission priorities.
Mission Areas
UCSF IT provides services, consulting, and desktop support across mission areas that include education, health, and research.
IT Governance
The goal of IT Governance is to support the university’s strategic priorities and its community members to maximize their effectiveness in advancing health.
1,183 UCSF sites scanned for Digital Accessibility.
40,700+ Support tickets resolved last month.
1900+ Services and applications offered by UCSF IT.